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            Check out the latest INOVA series T flashlights, including the USB rechargeable T4R.
            Got bulbs?  Find popular bulbs for MagLite, Princeton Tec, and Streamlight flashlights.
            Also visit our Discounts page for wonderful deals on nylon holsters and krypton bulbs.
            Do you need replacement bulbs for your Himalayan salt (pink rock) lamps? Click here.

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Discounts----( Current Offers )----( Pricing Notes )

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Current Offers

The following special purchase and/or volume discount offers are currently
available for our online customers.  These special limited-time deals are
subject to change or deletion at any time, so enjoy them while you can!


Himalayan Salt Lamp Bulbs

SPECIAL OFFER!  Exotic replacement bulbs for your Himalayan salt (pink rock)
lamps can be difficult to find, and they can be rather costly as well. But if you run
your salt lamps all day and every day as suggested, you will need to replace the
bulbs about once every two to four months. However, there is no need for worry,
because we have premium-quality high-performance bulbs at discounted prices.
Imported by Norman Lamps, then individually performance tested and specially
packaged by Flashlights Unlimited to ensure the perfect operation of every bulb.

These bulbs will fit in most corded AC-outlet-powered salt lamps that weigh from
three to thirty pounds. Check your socket type (these are candelabra screw base,
typical of small nightlight bulbs). Our 20-Watt bulbs work perfectly in most smaller
lamps that had 15-Watt bulbs, and also in larger lamps that had 25-Watt bulbs, if
you prefer to stock just one bulb type for use in all of your corded salt lamps. But
we now offer 15-, 25-, and 30-Watt bulbs as well, so you can match your original
bubs exactly. The bright golden-white light is perfect  for all salt lamp rock colors.

These incandescent bulbs are fully dimmable (when they are installed in dimmer-
equipped lamps), and the 130-Volt specification provides enhanced filament life
for long-lasting operation (twice that of typical bulbs!). Available singly, or in eco-
nomical multi-packs. Our special two-part package protects each bulb from dust,
moisture, and accidental breakage, while also providing very convenient storage.

The image below shows the difference in
appearances between our salt rock lamp
bulb and the typical microwave oven bulb,
to help you avoid ordering the wrong item.

15 Watt Bulbs:
    Volts: 130, Amps: 0.11, Filament Type: C-7A (single coil, 7-strut)
    Typical Initial Brightness: 100-125 Lumens
    Recommended for use in salt lamps that weigh five pounds or less
20 Watt Bulbs:
    Volts: 130, Amps: 0.15, Filament Type: C-7A (single coil, 7-strut)
    Typical Initial Brightness: 150-175 Lumens
    Recommended for use in salt lamps that weigh from 5 to 15 pounds
25 Watt Bulbs:
    Volts: 130, Amps: 0.19, Filament Type: C-7A (single coil, 7-strut)
    Typical Initial Brightness: 200-225 Lumens
    Recommended for use in salt lamps that weigh from 10 to 20 pounds
30 Watt Bulbs:
    Volts: 130, Amps: 0.24, Filament Type: C-4A (single coil, 4-strut)
    Typical Initial Brightness: 250-275 Lumens
    Recommended for use in salt lamps that weigh twenty pounds or more
All Bulbs Above:
    Average Life: 3000 Hours (or 125 days continuous use at full brightness)
    (twice the average lifespan of typical consumer-grade T7/E12 lamp bulbs)
    Bulb Type: T7 (Tubular, 7/8" Diameter)
    Bulb Finish: Clear Glass (Not Frosted)
    Base Type: E12 (Candelabra Screw)
    Overall Length: 2-1/8" (Including Base)
    Bulb Country Of Origin: Taiwan (ROC)
    Packaging: Zip Poly Bag & Small Box

Please note that LED type bulbs do not deliver enough heat to properly operate
Himalayan salt lamps. Incandescent bulbs are necessary to provide the warmth
that will prevent your lamps from sweating and disintegrating. And for the same
reason, failure to operate your lamps continuously can lead to premature degra-
dation of the salt rocks, especially in high humidity environments. Heat from the
bulbs also stimulates the desired hygroscopic and ionic effects in the salt rocks.
Replace incandescent bulbs promptly after they burn out, to ensure that your salt
lamps remain fully intact and provide all of the intended benefits. For your safety,
please use only UL-listed cord and socket sets for all of your electric lamps, and
be sure that any switches and dimmers and timers you use are UL-listed as well.

Himalayan Salt Lamp Bulbs   Special Purchase Sale !
(click to enlarge)
15 Watt
 Replacement Bulb  
For Himalayan
Salt Lamps

15W - For Small
Salt Rock Lamps
Himalayan Salt Lamp Bulb (15W) NL-SL15-I

$ 1.95


$ 8.50


$ 14.95

20 Watt
 Replacement Bulb  
For Himalayan
Salt Lamps

20W - For Medium
Salt Rock Lamps,
Can Also Replace
15W & 25W Bulbs
Himalayan Salt Lamp Bulb (20W) NL-SL20-I

$ 1.95


$ 8.50


$ 14.95

25 Watt
 Replacement Bulb  
For Himalayan
Salt Lamps

25W - For Large
Salt Rock Lamps
Himalayan Salt Lamp Bulb (25W) NL-SL25-I

$ 1.95


$ 8.50


$ 14.95

30 Watt
 Replacement Bulb  
For Himalayan
Salt Lamps

30W - For Jumbo
Salt Rock Lamps
Himalayan Salt Lamp Bulb (30W) NL-SL30-I

$ 1.95


$ 8.50


$ 14.95


Nylon Mesh Flashlight Holsters

UNBELIEVABLE DEAL!  Get these nicely-made black nylon mesh flashlight
holsters, below our usual cost!  Two sizes available, originally designed to fit
INOVA's series X flashlights, but will also perfectly fit many other brands and
models.  Open top design, allows quick withdrawal of flashlight.  Nylon mesh
holsters will eventually stretch out, and so they may not last as long as leather
holsters, but at this low price you get a convenient way to carry your flashlight
for less than a buck!  Stock up on these nifty holsters while our supplies last!
Nylon Mesh Flashlight Holsters   Special Purchase Sale !
(click to
Throat Diameter 5/8"
Throat Length 3-1/2"
Overall Length 3-1/2"
Fits: INOVA X1,
Ledlenser series K,
Mini MagLites (lens up),
and many other models
 Nylon Holsters
Smallest Size

$ 0.95

Throat Diameter 1"
Throat Length 4"
Overall Length 4-1/2"
Fits: INOVA Bolts,
INOVA X5 and XO,
INOVA XO3 (lens up),
and many other models
 Nylon Holsters
Largest Size

$ 0.95


3-Cell Krypton Flashlight Bulbs

SPECIAL PURCHASE!  Get this fantastic deal on premium-quality three-cell
krypton-filled flange-based flashlight bulbs!  These bulbs work perfectly in the
MagLite 3C and 3D flashlights, and will fit in almost any other three-cell flash-
light that uses a flange-based bulb.
  Made by Philips Lighting, and packaged
by PowerTech Inc for the Smith & Wesson brand, these are quality bulbs, not
no-name knock-offs.  Great performance, low price, and no order minimums!
Note: Not as bright as the MagLite White Star branded bulb, but provides longer battery life.

Volts: 3.6     Amps: 0.75     Initial Lumens: 33+     Average Bulb Life Hours: 20
Bulb Type: B3-1/2     Base Type: P13.5S     Filament Type: C-2R
Gas Fill: Krypton     Origin: Hong Kong     Package: Taiwan (Smith & Wesson)

3-Cell Krypton Flashlight Bulbs   Special Purchase Sale !
  Brand &  
Fits These
(click to
3D and 3C
Bulb Socket
KPR 3-Cell KPR Flashlight Bulb SW-KFB-3

$ 2.95
Per Pair


2-Cell Krypton Flashlight Bulbs

SPECIAL PURCHASE!  Another great deal, this time on high-quality two-cell
krypton-filled flange-based flashlight bulbs!  These bulbs  will fit  nearly every
two-cell flashlight that uses a flange-based bulb,  including MagLite's 2D and
2C models.
  Made by well-known lamp manufacturer Eiko, and packaged by
Flashlights Unlimited.  Fine performance, low price, and no order minimums!
Note: Not as bright as the MagLite White Star branded bulb, but provides longer battery life.

Volts: 2.4     Amps: 0.50     Initial Lumens: 10+     Average Bulb Life Hours: 20
Bulb Type: B3-1/2     Base Type: P13.5S     Filament Type: C-2R
Gas Fill: Krypton     Origin: China     Package: USA (Flashlights Unlimited)

2-Cell Krypton Flashlight Bulbs   Special Purchase Sale !
  Brand &  
Fits These
(click to
2D and 2C
Bulb Socket
KPR 2-Cell KPR Flashlight Bulb EK-KFB-2

$ 2.95
Per Pair


INOVA Discount Packages

Due to recent changes in the factory's policies regarding advertised pricing,
we can no longer show listings of the quantity discounts for our most popular
INOVA brand products.  Please contact us by phone or email for assistance
with discounted pricing for INOVA and any of our other fine flashlight brands.

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Pricing Notes

We can provide pricing discounts for purchase quantities of six units or
more of any flashlight series, or twenty-four or more of any battery type.
For some brands and models, price discounts begin at just three units.
This can be especially helpful for easing limited budgets in emergency
services departments, outdoor activity groups, or for holiday shopping.

Please contact us via email at sales@flashlightsunlimited.com, or use
our Feedback page to describe your needs or request volume pricing,
or simply call or fax us (see the Contact Information at our Home page).

Your special pricing arrangements can usually be made available from
this website on the same day (or the following day at the latest), so you
can use our PayPal shopping cart system and pay with your credit card.
Return to this page and click the browser's Refresh button, to review or
purchase any quantity pricing offers that we've prepared for customers.

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           Flashlights Unlimited - Products Without Equal - Service Beyond Compare
             416 Mapmaker Ln, Savannah GA 31410 USA, Tel 1-912-999-6378, Fax 1-912-999-6366

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                  Developed By Floyd Rodney Hacker  - Designed With Microsoft Front Page 2003 - Hosted By HostPapa Inc
                  Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited  -  All Rights Reserved  -  Website Contents Last Updated 15 Sep 2024

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